How can you prevent mold in your home?

October 21, 2015

Mold in your home is not to be taken lightly. Not only is it unpleasant to our senses, but continual exposure to it can put our health at a considerable risk. If you have a serious case of mold in your home it’s recommended you ask professionals for help. Experts will know how to solve the problem and stop it from recurring.  Here are some preventative tips on how to keep mold out of your bedroom or at least, minimize it.

Check humid areas

Mold thrives in wet humid places and it only requires a little amount of constant moisture on an organic material for it to grow. Mold-prone places are all those that are connected to water and water-carrying pipes. Do you have any wood surfaces in your home that are usually wet? Do you suspect there is a pipe leak in the house? A way you can test this is by checking the water meter. Turn off all the water in the house, read the meter and leave it for minimum 30 minutes. When you go back to it, the reading should stay the same if there is no leak. If the meter shows water being used, that suggests a leak. A leak should be addressed immediately by professionals to avoid not only mold, but further damage to the property.

Get a dehumidifier

Dehumidifier is a moisture-absorbing device that regulates the level of humidity in the air. If this is a serious issue in your home, you might consider having a hygrometer, which would help you determine the level of humidity in your house.

Good ventilation

A good ventilation system in your home would definitely make it easier to control humidity levels. Exhaust fans would be very helpful with adjusting and normalizing the level of moisture. Bathroom is the critical point in the house, because of the water and steam. It’s common knowledge that molds usually appear there.

Thorough cleaning can help

This is advisable both as a remedy and as a preventive, though it could seem unimportant. Papers and documents you don’t need anymore should be discarded, because they are a good spot for mold to develop. It also commonly occurs behind old furniture. Generally, as we’ve mentioned, mold likes organic surfaces that provide some nutrients. However, these spots also attract other unwanted visitors, such as bugs and insects. For these reasons, it’s best you get rid of worn-out furniture and items. Another thing to inspect is the bottom of flower pots, as molds find that a hospitable environment as well.

Service your air-conditioning

Your AC should be serviced on a regular basis, since it can also house mold in various places throughout the system. On the other hand, an AC which is clean and in good condition is a natural ally in fighting mold. Air-conditioner acts as a dehumidifier and a filter as it cools the air, which is not conducive to the occurrence and spread of mold.

Carpets need regular vacuuming

It’s advisable to vacuum your carpets every week. Carpets can prove a good place for mold to grow, especially if a stain is not dried well or cleaned. A very good strategy for tackling stains is using a paste that combines vinegar and baking soda. This mix is great for stains as well as mold. After cleaning, the spot should be vacuumed to prevent any mildew. Having your carpets professionally cleaned on a yearly basis would also be of help.

Let the sunshine in

Molds shy away from light. What they like are dark, wet and cold places. If there is enough sunlight in your home, you can relax. Sunlight stops mold spores from spreading and mildew form growing. So, open your curtains or drapes every morning and let the sunshine in.