4 Water Damage Don’ts 

February 9, 2022

Water-Damage-DontsFlooding can be extremely stressful, as it compromises the structural integrity of your house and endangers your well-being. Due to all the commotion, you may often take the wrong action once it sets in. Instead of hiring one of the best water damage companies in Laguna Niguel, you try to address the situation on your own. This usually does more harm than good.

So, how do you react properly to water damage? A good starting point is to avoid several critical mistakes, and this article will list them. Read on for valuable insights!

What should you not do after water damage?

Whenever you’re dealing with water damage, taking the first few steps is crucial to minimizing harm. For example, tackling black water damage without proper gear is something you shouldn’t if you want to preserve most of your materials. Here are a few more mistakes you need to avoid:

1. Ignore your homeowners’ insurance company

Many people forget about their homeowners’ insurance when a disaster strikes. However, this is a huge mistake. Failure to call your insurer as soon as water damage sets in can prevent you from making a successful claim.

Therefore, give your insurance company a call right away. They’ll send an adjuster to examine the harm and determine if your loss is covered.

You also want to document the value of your possessions and take photos. This will help your adjuster assess the damage.

2. Acting recklessly

The most important thing to do when addressing water damage is to ensure safety. Otherwise, you’re running a risk of jeopardizing your and your family’s health. Here’s what you need to do:

  • Turn off your power: Electricity and water don’t mix, so make sure to cut the power supply. But if this requires you to access wet areas, consider hiring an electrician. Additionally, don’t reenter your flood-damaged house before shutting down the electricity.
  • Wear safety gear: Another thing to remember is to wear safety clothes, such as rubber gloves and boots. This will shield you from injuries and keep bacteria from contaminating your skin.
  • Protect your belongings. Many homeowners leave things to chance when dealing with water damage, but this is a disaster waiting to happen. Instead, you want to be proactive. Lift your wood furniture off wet carpets and insert some tin foil under your feet to prevent stains. Also, get rid of any rugs on wet floors.

3. Going near mold

In the right conditions, it takes just 24-48 hours for mold to inhabit damaged materials. If there’s attic condensation, mold may have developed a long time ago.

Either way, you shouldn’t be anywhere near mold once it sets it. You should be extremely careful because it’s toxic and can cause a variety of health issues.

To address mold adequately, hire a professional water damage restoration company. They’ll cut the infected materials, bag them, and throw them away.

If the issue is severe, evacuate the area and shut down the airflow to prevent spore contamination. Wait for the experts to examine the house and make the necessary repairs before returning to your home.

4. Reentering your house prematurely

As previously mentioned, you don’t want to re-enter your house if it’s still too dangerous. Instead. wait for the insurer, the restoration company, and the local authorities (if it’s a natural disaster) to give you the green light.

What-should-you-not-do-after-water-damageNeed the work of trusted water damage companies in Laguna Niguel? You’ve found the right one!

Tackling water damage in your Laguna Niguel home is virtually impossible. A lot can go wrong and put your health and risk. To avoid this concern, leave the work to EHS – the #1 water damage restoration team in the region.

We’ll restore your home while you enjoy the sun at Capistrano Beach. Hire our trained experts, and you’ll be amazed by the results. Reach out today!